22 aprilie 2010

Tune Review: Lange feat. Skye - Drifting Away

O alta piesa pe care eu o consider o "clasica" a genului trance este Lange feat. Skye - Drifting Away. Piesa e veche de cativa ani dar face oricand fata exigentelor publicului ascultator de trance. Lange este un maestru al beat-urilor trance si nu face exceptie nici cu acest single, alaturi de Skye . Pe langa linia melodica, piesa dispune si de versuri (destul de multe pentru o piesa trance). Acestea fiind spuse, va invit sa ascultati creatia muzicala:

19 aprilie 2010

Melodii reclame Orange martie si aprilie 2010

Asa cum ne-au obisnuit cei de la Orange, si ultimile 2 reclame, respectiv reclama din martie si cea din aprilie 2010, au linii melodice foarte "catchy" . Melodia reclamei din martie se numeste Paloma Faith - Upside down iar cea care ruleaza in aprilie este Pearl & Puppets - Make me smile .
Mai jos puteti asculta cele 2 piese vesele:


Angels watching over me with smiles upon their face
Cause I have made it through this far in an unforgiving place

It feels sometimes this hill's too steep for a girl like me to climb
But I must knock those thoughts right down I'll do it in my own time

I don't care (care care)
I'm half way there (nowhere)
On a road that leads me to straight to who knows where

I tell you what (I tell you what)
What I have found (What I have found)
That I'm no fool (That I'm no fool)
I'm just upside down (Just upside down)

Ain't got no cares (Ain't got no cares)
I aint got no rules (Aint got no rules)
I think I like (I think I like)
Living upside down (Living upside down)

Watchin people scurry by rushing to and fro
Oh this world is such a crazy place it's all about the go go go

Sometimes life can taste so sweet When you slow it down
You start to see the world a little differently When you turn it upside down

I don't care (care care)
I'm half way there (nowhere)
And I'm just soaking up the magic in the air

I tell you what (I tell you what)
What I have found (What I have found)
That I'm no fool (That I'm no fool)
I'm just upside down (Just upside down)

Ain't got no cares (Ain't got no cares)
I aint got no rules (Aint got no rules)
I think I like (I think I like)
Living upside down (Living upside down)

(Whoa Whoa Whoa)
You gotta slow it down
(Yeah Yeah Yeah)
But then you pick it up
(Whoa Yeah Whoa)
C'mon and try a little topsy-turvy back-to-front the right way round
Take it slow slow slow (You gotta pick it up)
Yeah Yeah Yeah (See you slow it down)
Hey Yo Yo Yo (Tell me something something)

I tell you what (I tell you what)
What I have found (What I have found)
That I'm no fool (That I'm no fool)
I'm just upside down (Just upside down)

Ain't got no cares (Ain't got no cares)
I aint got no rules (Aint got no rules)
I think I like (I think I like)
Living upside down (Living upside down)

I tell you what (I tell you what)
What I have found (What I have found)
That I'm no fool (That I'm no fool)
I'm just upside down (Just upside down)

Ain't got no cares (Ain't got no cares)
I aint got no rules (Aint got no rules)
I think I like (I think I like)
Living upside down (Living upside down)



1. Can you find a way to make me smile
Just for a while
Just make me smile ..
And can you tell me what I've turned
You're just like a "close-by"
Tell me what I've turned..

Chorus: Turututu ooh

Just let it go let it go let it go
Just let it go let it go let it go
Just let it go...

2. Can you tell me what I should try
Not give u a "good-bye"
Just tell me why...
Can you show me a few tears
Without taking any fears
Just show me some tears

Chorus: Turututu ooh

Just let it go let it go let it go
Just let it go let it go let it go
Just let it go...

Just let it go let it go let it go
Just let it go let it go let it go
Just let it go...

Chorus: Turututu ooh

Multumesc pentru versurile celei de-a 2-a piese utilizatoarei YouTube ThePorcelainCandy