24 mai 2010

Tiësto - Just Be

Just Be, o piesa ce iese un pic din tiparul lui Tiësto, dar care insufla aceeasi stare de bine, aceeasi energie gasita la toate piesele acestui mare DJ. Si pentru ca tot se anunta zile calduroase de vara, videoclipul acestei piese este mai mult decat potrivit pentru un inceput de sezon estival.

6 mai 2010

Tune Review: Snap! - Rhythm Is A Dancer (Moam Remix)

Nu cred ca e cineva care sa nu fi ascultat macar o data piesa "Rhythm is a dancer" a celor de la Snap! . Acum, in 2010 am avut placuta surpriza sa ascult cel mai bun remix facut pana acum la aceasta piesa, este vorba de remixul lui Moam. Acesta reuseste sa transforme o piesa Pop-Dance a anilor 90 intr-o superba piesa trance ce iti da fiori de fiecare data cand o asculti. Acest tune este prezent pe compilatia Ministry Of Sound 2010 The Anual 2010.
Inainte de a asculta piesa, asigurati-va ca volumul este aproape de maxim ca sa nu zic la maxim. Auditie placuta!

Snap! - Rhythm Is A Dancer (Moam Remix)

22 aprilie 2010

Tune Review: Lange feat. Skye - Drifting Away

O alta piesa pe care eu o consider o "clasica" a genului trance este Lange feat. Skye - Drifting Away. Piesa e veche de cativa ani dar face oricand fata exigentelor publicului ascultator de trance. Lange este un maestru al beat-urilor trance si nu face exceptie nici cu acest single, alaturi de Skye . Pe langa linia melodica, piesa dispune si de versuri (destul de multe pentru o piesa trance). Acestea fiind spuse, va invit sa ascultati creatia muzicala:

19 aprilie 2010

Melodii reclame Orange martie si aprilie 2010

Asa cum ne-au obisnuit cei de la Orange, si ultimile 2 reclame, respectiv reclama din martie si cea din aprilie 2010, au linii melodice foarte "catchy" . Melodia reclamei din martie se numeste Paloma Faith - Upside down iar cea care ruleaza in aprilie este Pearl & Puppets - Make me smile .
Mai jos puteti asculta cele 2 piese vesele:


Angels watching over me with smiles upon their face
Cause I have made it through this far in an unforgiving place

It feels sometimes this hill's too steep for a girl like me to climb
But I must knock those thoughts right down I'll do it in my own time

I don't care (care care)
I'm half way there (nowhere)
On a road that leads me to straight to who knows where

I tell you what (I tell you what)
What I have found (What I have found)
That I'm no fool (That I'm no fool)
I'm just upside down (Just upside down)

Ain't got no cares (Ain't got no cares)
I aint got no rules (Aint got no rules)
I think I like (I think I like)
Living upside down (Living upside down)

Watchin people scurry by rushing to and fro
Oh this world is such a crazy place it's all about the go go go

Sometimes life can taste so sweet When you slow it down
You start to see the world a little differently When you turn it upside down

I don't care (care care)
I'm half way there (nowhere)
And I'm just soaking up the magic in the air

I tell you what (I tell you what)
What I have found (What I have found)
That I'm no fool (That I'm no fool)
I'm just upside down (Just upside down)

Ain't got no cares (Ain't got no cares)
I aint got no rules (Aint got no rules)
I think I like (I think I like)
Living upside down (Living upside down)

(Whoa Whoa Whoa)
You gotta slow it down
(Yeah Yeah Yeah)
But then you pick it up
(Whoa Yeah Whoa)
C'mon and try a little topsy-turvy back-to-front the right way round
Take it slow slow slow (You gotta pick it up)
Yeah Yeah Yeah (See you slow it down)
Hey Yo Yo Yo (Tell me something something)

I tell you what (I tell you what)
What I have found (What I have found)
That I'm no fool (That I'm no fool)
I'm just upside down (Just upside down)

Ain't got no cares (Ain't got no cares)
I aint got no rules (Aint got no rules)
I think I like (I think I like)
Living upside down (Living upside down)

I tell you what (I tell you what)
What I have found (What I have found)
That I'm no fool (That I'm no fool)
I'm just upside down (Just upside down)

Ain't got no cares (Ain't got no cares)
I aint got no rules (Aint got no rules)
I think I like (I think I like)
Living upside down (Living upside down)



1. Can you find a way to make me smile
Just for a while
Just make me smile ..
And can you tell me what I've turned
You're just like a "close-by"
Tell me what I've turned..

Chorus: Turututu ooh

Just let it go let it go let it go
Just let it go let it go let it go
Just let it go...

2. Can you tell me what I should try
Not give u a "good-bye"
Just tell me why...
Can you show me a few tears
Without taking any fears
Just show me some tears

Chorus: Turututu ooh

Just let it go let it go let it go
Just let it go let it go let it go
Just let it go...

Just let it go let it go let it go
Just let it go let it go let it go
Just let it go...

Chorus: Turututu ooh

Multumesc pentru versurile celei de-a 2-a piese utilizatoarei YouTube ThePorcelainCandy

23 martie 2010

Dj Sakin & Friends - Nomansland

O piesa ce-mi treseste amintiri placute din vremea adolescentei. Eram tot timpul cu televizorul pe VIVA doar ca sa reascult aceasta melodie . Una dintre cele mai reusite creatii ale lui Dj Sakin. "Nomansland" este o prelucrare a temei muzicale a filmului "Braveheart".

Intre timp ce credeti, au aparut si ceva remix-uri ale acestei piese, foarte bune!

Primul este realizat de Lange:

Cel de-al doilea apartine lui Polaris

Ashley Wallbridge vs. Andy Moor & Ashley Wallbridge feat. Meighan Nealon - Shotokan vs. Faces

Un mix foarte reusit ce contopeste 2 piese superbe: Ashley Wallbridge - Shokotan si Andy Moor & Ashley Wallbridge feat. Meighan Nealon - Faces

Ashley Wallbridge vs. Andy Moor & Ashley Wallbridge feat. Meighan Nealon - Shotokan vs. Faces

acestea sunt piesele separate:

Ashley Wallbridge - Shotokan (Original Mix)

Andy Moor & Ashley Wallbridge feat Meighan Nealon - Faces (Official Music Video)

13 martie 2010

Tune Review: Dash Berlin feat Emma Hewitt - Waiting

Desi trebuia mai demult sa fac acest review, abia acum i-a venit randul.Dash Berlin, pe numele lui adevarat Jeff X. Sutorius, este un talentat DJ olandez. Acesta si-a descoperit pasiunea pentru muzica electronica, mai precis trance, inca din perioada adolescentei fiind inspirat de artisti pioneri la acea vreme in ale trance-ului precum Sven Väth, Oliver Lieb sau Sander Kleinenberg reusind in scurt timp sa-si creeze un stil propriu inovativ. La debutul carierei de Dj, Dash mixa oriunde, petreceri private, mall-uri sau petreceri ilegale in diverse depozite. Dash a devenit Dash Berlin dupa ce a mixat la cunoscutul eveniment international Love Parade, fiind impresionat de numarul de oameni prezenti la parada ce a avut loc in Berlin (peste 1 milion de persoane). Cel care l-a descoperit si l-a lansat in "lumea buna" a muzicii electronice a fost Armin van Buuren, acesta din urma fiind impresionat de stilul inovativ al lui Dash.

Prima piesa lansata pe piata a fost "Till The SkyFalls Down" realizata in colaborare cu Armin van Buuren si prezenta pe arhicunoscutul album al lui Armin, "Universal Religion" lansat in 2007. Apoi piese precum "Man on the run" (realizata in colaborare cu artisit de la casa de discuri Armada precum Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren) piesa cu care s-a bucurat de distinctia ‘Best Trance Track’ la gala anuala Trance Awards.

In 2009, Dash Berlin reuseste sa lanseze primul sau album intitulat "The New Daylight", albumul continand piese precum
"Till The SkyFalls Down", "Man on the run", "Never Cry Again" sau "Waiting".

Si cum am ajuns in sfarsit la piesa "Waiting" ce face obiectul review-lui de astazi, sa o analizam un pic.
Piesa este realizata in colaborare cu artista de origine australiana Emma Hewitt
. Piesa este cel de-al 3-lea extras de pe albumul de debut al lui Dash Berlin, "The New Daylight", si totodata cel de-al treilea hit.
Piesa apartine genului trance cu influente progressive. Stilul "futurist" al lui Dash se imbina perfect cu vocea extraordina a Emmei. O adevarata piesa trance, plina de energie si cu un sunet clar, numai buna de ascultat la drum lung in masina. Si totusi, pe langa energia unei piese trance, aceasta melodie are si parfum de romantism, vocea calda a Emmei Hewitt si versurile evidentiind acest lucru.

versuri :

Your memory remains
I breath it closer
I swear that I still feel you near
The cool wind is taking over
Its taking over
So far away
Youre gone so long
Ohh and Im waiting
Haunted by your grace
You know Im falling
So cool without you
Always in my mind
I hear you calling
I hear you calling

So far away
Youre gone so long
Ohh and Im waiting

The cool wind is taking over
Its taking over
So far away
Youre gone so long
Ohh and Im waiting
Till that day
I take you home
Know that Im waiting

Know that Im waiting
So far away
Youre gone so long
Ohh and Im waiting...

3 martie 2010

Tune Review: John Puzzle - Hear The Colours

John Puzzle revine in forta pe piata muzicala cu o noua piesa: Hear The Colours. Pe langa titlul inteligent ales, piesa se remarca printr-un sound "european", o voce feminina deosebita (apropo Ionut, cui ii apartine vocea? stiu ai spus ca vom afla la lansarea videoclipului, dar parca nu avem rabdare pana atunci... ). Piesa apartine genului progressive-house si este deja difuzata pe mai toate posturile de radio de profil. Acest single a fost lansat sub sigla BDR Music, casa de discuri britanica anuntand noi remix-uri pentru aceasta piesa, realizate de artisti de top precum The Good Guys, Jorgensen & Gordon Howarth, Gabriel & Castellon, Fran Cosgrave & Ethan Project. Noi, ascultatorii, asteptam videoclipul la aceasta piesa (care dupa spusele lui John Puzzle va fi "undeva prin martie") si mai multe informatii in legatura cu eventualele concerte (sesiuni) din tara sau din strainatate.

John Puzzle official website : www.johnpuzzle.com

2 martie 2010

Ce spuneti de un pic de electro-dance?

O piesa foarte buna din acest spectru muzical este Sash! feat Stunt - Raindrops . Piesa are tot ce ii trebuie: ritm catchy, bass puternic, efecte muzicale deosebite si un videoclip ce degaja voie buna.

11 februarie 2010

Gigi D'Agostino - L'amour Toujours

De mult nu mai ascultasem Gigi D'Agostino. Iar azi, intamplator s-a strecurat in playlistul meu aceasta piesa minunata "L'amour Tojours", cunoscuta si sub numele "I'll fly with you". Ehe, ce amintiri placute starneste aceasta melodie... de pe la inceputul anilor 2000. Piesa a fost lansata in anul 2001 pe albumul cu acelasi nume, avand un succes instantaneu. Am avut discutii aprinse cu cineva din alta generatie care spunea ca muzica electronica a zilelor noastre e de duzina, se asculta o luna, doua si apoi nu mai aude nimeni nimic de ea. Desi in mare parte e adevarat, sunt si creatii care nu se demodeaza niciodata, le reasculti dupa ani de zile de la lansare cu aceeasi placere. "L'amour Toujours" este dovada vie ca muzica electronica de calitate nu moare niciodata. Gigi D'Agostino ramane unul din marii DJ ai Europei si l-as putea include intr-o selecta categorie a "Clasicilor".

10 februarie 2010

ATB - Gravity

"Gravity" este piesa care m-a impresionat cel mai mult de pe albumul "Future Memories" apartinand ATB. Voi ce piese ati include in top 3 "Future Memories"?

Asculta mai multe audio Muzica

Leave your problems and ... chill out

Trentemoller - "Miss You" o piesa de referinta a genului chill out. Aseaza-te confortabil, pune castile pe urechi si lasa melodia sa-ti gadile timpanele cu sunetele sale clare.

Asculta mai multe audio Muzica

9 februarie 2010

Seara trance

Mai jos puteti asculta cateva piese trance foarte reusite:

Sound Players- Thunderlights (A State Of Mind remix)

Static Blue - Aerial (Original Mix)

Headstrong feat Tiff Lacey - Close Your Eyes (factoria remix)

8 februarie 2010

Chicane - Poppiholla

Astazi va supun atentiei o piesa superba semnata Chicane : Poppiholla. Se pare ca cei de la Chicane au prelucrat piesa Hoppipolla a celor de la Sigur Rós (o formatie din Islanda). Poppiholla este o piesa relaxanta . De remarcat prezenta pianului in instrumentalul melodiei. Aceasta creatie muzicala poate fi considerata pe drept o piesa de referinta a celor de la Chicane. Videoclipul filmat in alb-negru este deosebit, pare ca militeaza impotriva rasismului.

Chicane - Poppiholla

Este interesant sa urmariti si videoclipul Sigur Rós - Hoppipolla, o alta realizare de exceptie:

5 februarie 2010

Ultimul episod A State Of Trance

Asculta ultimul episod ASOT!
Aici aveti 2 linkuri catre ultimul episod al emisiunii A State of Trance:
Premium - A State of Trance (pentru conexiuni de viteza - calitate buna )
Public - A State of Trance (pentru conexiuni mai lente - calitatate mai slaba )

OBSERVATIE: Datele se reinnoiesc in fiecare saptamana - linkurile va vor trimite intotdeauna catre ultima editie a emisiunii A STATE OF TRANCE cu ARMIN VAN BUUREN

Fly Project - Mandala

E, uite ca cei de la Fly Project nu stau degeaba. In iarna aceasta, pe cand majoritatea dintre noi eram ba la munte, ba acasa "la sorici si sarmale", mai erau si oameni care munceau. Da, cei de la Fly Project trageau tare pe ultima suta de metri a anului 2009, lucrau in studio la o piesa nou-nouta. Asa s-au gandit ei sa inceapa anul, cu o piesa noua si culmea ... foarte tare! Dupa ce vara trecuta ne-au lovit cu nonconformista piesa "UNISEX", acum la inceput de 2010 vor sa ne dea pe spate de tot cu "Mandala". Imi place, imi place noul stil pe care l-au adoptat cei de la Fly Project. Piesa este "sticky", o data ascultata nu ti-o mai poti scoate din minte, se intipareste undeva acolo in subconstient si iti da o stare de bine intreaga zi ... Ce weed-shop-uri tata, ia si-asculta: Oooo maaalee, mandala, oo male mandala... malee mandala!

Anya feat. Jayko - One

Este o piesa care a prins foarte bine iarna aceasta. Colaborarea dintre Anya si Jayko a fost una de bun augur. Melodia mi-a placut din prima clipa, atat partea instrumentala (Jayko demonstrand ca este un Dj desavarsit ce stie sa-si aleaga beat-urile) cat si partea vocala, Anya avand o voce calda si un timbru vocal aparte. Sper ca acest proiect sa continuie, cat despre piesa "One", sper sa o vad prezenta in marile topuri internationale, "macar in top 10" :) .
PS: Am inteles ca Anya a parasit trupa HI-Q, spun eu ca a facut alegerea corecta, i se potriveste mai bine stilul dance-club. Mult succes Jayko, mult succes Anya, continuati pe stilul acesta!


One... two
I know it's getting dark
you said you gonna come
i'm checking my time
i'm feeling so alone
something in my heart
tells me i'm right
just another minute and you'll be by my side x2

i wanna give you all my love
i wanna be with you all night long
i wanna give you all my love
just be with you

one...baby don't you know
i'm still waiting you
two...there's no reason why i shouldn't be with you x 2

i know when i'll see you
i know i'm gonna cry
you'll wash away my tears with you're smile
i know when i'll see you
no matter what you say i know you'll make my day

one...baby don't you know
i'm still waiting you
two...there's no reason why i shouldn't be wïth you x 2

4 februarie 2010

A State Of Trance episodul 441

[00:00] 01. A State of Trance - Intro (00:46)
[00:45] 02. EnMass - So Please (Alexander Popov Remix) (06:39)
[07:24] 03. Steve Brian - La Gomera (Cressida Remix) (05:54)
[13:19] 04. Mike Shiver feat. Aruna - Everywhere You Are (Timo Juuti Remix) (06:11)
[19:30] 05. Aleete - Passion (Alex Pich & Dmitry Fedorov Remix) (05:54)
[25:24] 06. George Acosta feat. Tiff Lacey - I Know (Beat Service Proglifting Remix) (06:47)
[32:11] 07. Chew Lip's - Karen (Mark Otten Remix) (05:06)
[37:17] 08. Estiva - Friends & Enemies (04:47)
[42:04] 09. Alexander Popov - Metropolis (06:01)
[48:05] 10. Marcus Schossow & Reeves feat. Emma Hewitt - Light (Stoneface & Terminal Remix) (04:32)
[52:37] 11. Solarstone - The Calling (RAM Remix) [Tune Of The Week] (06:10)
[58:47] 12. Virtual Vault vs. Orjan - Too Late (05:45)
[64:32] 13. Alucard - Elation (DJ Eco Remix) (05:41)
[70:13] 14. DNS Project feat. Johanna - Mindful (Whiteglow Vocal Mix) (05:39)
[75:52] 15. Nery - Redawn (Andy Blueman Remix) [Future Favorite] (07:21)
[83:13] 16. RedSound - Walking On The Beach (Ronski Speed Remix) (05:11)
[88:24] 17. Ferry Tayle & Static Blue - Trapeze (Daniel Kandi Emotional Remix) (05:11)
[93:34] 18. Hoyaa - Rising Star (05:26)
[99:00] 19. Tritonal feat. Cristina Soto - One More Day (Abbott & Chambers Remix) (06:18)
[105:18] 20. John Dopping - The Mind (Activa Remix) (05:08)
[110:27] 21. Space RockerZ - Weather The Storm (Daniel Wanrooy Remix) (07:00)
[117:27] 22. The Ambush - Everlast [ASOT Radio Classic] (04:40)
[122:07] 23. A State of Trance - Outro (00:23)

Torrent : download

3 februarie 2010

Dj Carpi - The Garden (Mantero Mix)

Sper sa va placa:


There were flowers all around
And the colours of the sky
In the end of summer time
Made me happy for a while

I remember once a time
When I was a little boy
In this garden I was playing
When I looked into your eyes

In this garden we were playing
On the see-saw up and down
Then I fell down to the ground
And they brought me far away

I have lost my lucky star
I cant live without your love
Please don't go away tonight
Autumn time is far away

They are calling me my dear
I can't stay with you this time
I will be a little flower
In the garden of your heart

26 ianuarie 2010

DJ Sammy - Fly on the wings of love

O piesa pe care o ascult mereu cu placere. Aceasta varianta este un cover dupa piesa originala a Olsen Brothers - "Fly on the wings of love", piesa cu care au castigat concursul Eurovision in anul 2000. DJ Sammy reuseste sa adapteze piesa stilului elctro/dance facand din aceasta un hit.

Dj Sammy - Fly on the wings of love
Asculta mai multe audio Muzica

A State Of Trance episodul 440

[00:00] 01. A State of Trance - Intro (00:45)
[00:44] 02. Mike Shiver feat. Aruna - Everywhere You Are (Duderstadt Remix) (05:56)
[06:41] 03. George Acosta feat. Fisher - True Love (04:51)
[11:31] 04. Cirez D - Glow (07:02)
[18:33] 05. BT - Suddenly (Ferry Corsten Fix) (06:55)
[25:28] 06. Stoneface & Terminal - Don't Give A Fuck (05:49)
[31:17] 07. Skytech - Comet (04:32)
[35:49] 08. Statica - Deadly Nightshade (Phynn Remix) (05:27)
[41:16] 09. Dash Berlin - Never Cry Again (Jorn van Deynhoven Remix) [Future Favorite] (05:39)
[46:55] 10. Jan Oostdyk - Heidi (06:32)
[53:27] 11. Ferry Tayle & Static Blue - Trapeze (Daniel Kandi Remix) [Tune Of The Week] (06:04)
[59:31] 12. Jay B – Signals (05:36)
[65:07] 13. Tritonal feat. Soto - One More Day (06:32)
[71:40] 14. Robert Gitelman - Fluidum (05:08)
[76:48] 15. Sunny Lax - Misgrey (Adam Nickey Remix) (06:25)
[83:14] 16. DNS Project feat. Johanna - Mindful (Whiteglow Vocal Mix) (05:36)
[88:50] 17. Nery - Redawn (Andy Blueman Remix) (06:36)
[95:26] 18. Sophie Sugar vs. Sunlounger feat. Zara - Lost Together (Armin van Buuren Mashup) (05:50)
[101:15] 19. Simon Patterson - Miss You (06:33)
[107:49] 20. Misja Helsloot & Peter Martijn Wijnia - As You Wish (04:28)
[112:16] 21. Accadia - Blind Visions (Club Mix) [ASOT Radio Classic] (06:55)
[119:12] 22. A State of Trance - Outro (00:37)

Torren : download

A State Of Trance episodul 439

[00:00] 01. A State of Trance - Intro (00:44)
[00:44] 02. Blake Jarrell - Galapagos (06:20)
[07:04] 03. Nadia Ali - Fantasy (Orient Bootleg Mix) (06:28)
[13:32] 04. Zoo Brazil feat. Leah - You Can Have It All (06:13)
[19:45] 05. Daniel Kandi - Venice Beach (Estiva Remix) (07:05)
[26:50] 06. Leon Bolier - Shimamoto (04:24)
[31:13] 07. Radeon6 - Bomberman (04:36)
[35:50] 08. Mat Zo - 24 Hours (05:47)
[41:37] 09. Rank 1 vs. Jochen Miller - The Great Escape (05:02)
[46:39] 10. DJ Eco - Staring At The Sea (04:23)
[51:02] 11. Six Senses pres. Electronic Nova - October Winds (Tom Colontonio Remix) (06:10)
[57:12] 12. Dash Berlin - Never Cry Again (Jorn van Deynhoven Remix) [Tune of The Week] (06:04)
[63:15] 13. DJ Ange - Seamless (04:32)
[67:47] 14. Glensk - Polish Pierogi (Juventa Remix) (06:49)
[74:36] 15. Carlo Resoort - Journey To Freedom (03:46)
[78:22] 16. Jay B - Eleven Thirty (06:07)
[84:29] 17. DJ Eco - And We Flew Away (06:07)
[90:36] 18. Misja Helsloot & Peter Martijn Wijnia - As You Wish (Akira Kayosa & Pete Drury Remix) (06:53)
[97:29] 19. Arnej vs. 8 Wonders - Beggining of The End [Future Favorite] (05:53)
[103:22] 20. Liquid Soul - Devotion (Protoculture Remix) (05:39)
[109:01] 21. David Forbes Meets William Daniel - Devil Theory (05:04)
[114:05] 22. Matt Darey pres. Mash Up feat. Marcella Woods - Liberation (Ferry Corsten Remix) [Asot Radio Classic] (05:11)
[119:15] 23. A State of Trance - Outro (00:37)

Torrent : download

A State Of Trance episodul 438

[00:00] 01. A State of Trance - Intro (00:46)
[00:45] 02. Marco V feat. Jonathan Mendelsohn - Coming Back (Nic Chagall Remix) (07:57)
[08:42] 03. George Acosta feat. Tiff Lacey - I Know (Beat Service Proglifting Mix) (07:15)
[15:58] 04. Mark Sinclair - Pictures Of You (Terry Ferminal Remix) (06:22)
[22:20] 05. Rank 1 vs. Jochen Miller - The Great Escape (enTrance 2010 Theme) [Tune Of The Week] (05:25)
[27:44] 06. Estuera - Hot Monday (06:44)
[34:28] 07. Liquid Soul - Devotion (Protoculture Remix) (06:56)
[41:24] 08. Stoneface & Terminal - Don't Give A Fuck (05:30)
[46:54] 09. Evol Wavez - Name Is The Answer (05:15)
[52:09] 10. Statica - Deadly Nightshade (Phynn Remix) (05:27)
[57:36] 11. Robert Gitelman - Fluidum (05:13)
[62:49] 12. Ummet Ozcan - New Phase (Phase One Mix) (04:34)
[67:22] 13. John O'Callaghan - Striker (Ummet Ozcan Remix) (05:49)
[73:12] 14. Dan Stone - Fahrenheit (Adam Nickey Remix) (07:04)
[80:15] 15. DJ Eco - And We Flew Away (06:35)
[86:51] 16. Michael Lee - Everblue (Adam Foley Remix) (06:57)
[93:48] 17. Ronny K pres. EOYC - Morning Light (EOYC Anthem) [Future Favorite] (06:16)
[100:03] 18. Simon Patterson - Miss You (05:06)
[105:09] 19. Paul van Dyk feat. Johnny McDaid - We Are One (Giuseppe Ottaviani Remix) (05:55)
[111:04] 20. Arnej vs. 8 Wonders - Beggining Of The End (05:48)
[116:52] 21. NuNRG - Free Fall [ASOT Radio Classic] (04:18)
[121:09] 22. A State of Trance - Outro (00:38)

Torrent : download

A State Of Trance episodul 434 (Yearmix 2009)

A State Of Trance Yearmix 2009

[00:00] 01. A State of Trance - Intro (01:04)
[01:04] 02. Intro - Revolution 2009 (02:44)
[03:47] 03. The Blizzard with Gate - Iselilja (Sunn Jellie & The Blizzard Dub Remix) (01:14)
[05:01] 04. Fabio XB & Andrea Mazza - Light To Lies (Gareth Emery Mix) (01:32)
[06:32] 05. Ferry Corsten feat. Novastar - Because (The Remix) (01:18)
[07:51] 06. Jerome Isma Ae - Hold That Sucker Down (01:14)
[09:05] 07. Moonbeam feat. Avis Vox - About You (01:29)
[10:33] 08. Matt Darey pres. Urban Astronauts feat. Kate Louise Smith - See The Sun (Aurosonic Remix) (01:14)
[11:47] 09. Dakota - Johnny The Fox (Barnes & Heatcliff Remix) (00:44)
[12:31] 10. Sebastian Ingrosso - Kidsos (Wippenberg Mix) (00:44)
[13:16] 11. Wippenberg - Pong (00:52)
[14:07] 12. John O'Callaghan feat. Audrey Gallagher - Take It All Away (Marcus Schossow Nu Prog Remix) (01:29)
[15:36] 13. Arnej - Dust In The Wind (01:28)
[17:04] 14. Above & Beyond - Anjunabeach (01:13)
[18:18] 15. Armin van Buuren feat. Jacqueline Govaert - Never Say Never (Omnia Remix) (02:05)
[20:22] 16. Ron Hagen & Pascal M - Riddles In The Sand (00:36)
[20:59] 17. Mat Zo - The Fractal Universe (00:44)
[21:42] 18. John O'Callaghan feat. Lo Fi Sugar - Never Fade Away (Andy Duguid Remix final) (01:20)
[23:02] 19. Nic Chagall feat. Jonathan Mendelsohn - This Moment (Prog Mix) (01:20)
[24:22] 20. Armin van Buuren feat. VanVelzen - Broken Tonight (01:13)
[25:35] 21. John O'Callaghan feat. Sarah Howells - Find Yourself (Cosmic Gate Remix) (01:20)
[26:55] 22. Armin van Buuren feat. Cathy Burton - Rain (Cosmic Gate Remix) (00:58)
[27:53] 23. Paul van Dyk feat. Johnny McDaid - Home (Cosmic Gate Remix) (01:42)
[29:35] 24. Chicane - Poppiholla (01:27)
[31:02] 25. Josh Gabriel presents Winter Kills - Deep Down (01:42)
[32:44] 26. Monogato - Miami Vibe (Omnia Remix) (01:56)
[34:40] 27. Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren - Beggin You (Armin van Buuren Remix) (00:58)
[35:38] 28. Rank 1 - Symfo (Sunrise Festival Theme 2009) (01:55)
[37:34] 29. Above & Beyond pres. OceanLab - On A Good Day (Above & Beyond Club Mix) (00:43)
[38:17] 30. Gareth Emery - Metropolis (00:43)
[39:00] 31. Paul van Dyk - Nothing But You (Super8 vs. DJ Tab Remix) (01:41)
[40:41] 32. Rex Mundi feat. Susana - Nothing At All (01:41)
[42:22] 33. Marco V - Unprepared (01:47)
[44:10] 34. Nadia Ali - Love Story (Andy Moor's Remix) (01:28)
[45:37] 35. Sean Tyas & Simon Patterson - For The Most Part (Marcus Schossow Remix) (00:29)
[46:06] 36. Sander van Doorn presents Purple Haze - Bliksem (01:34)
[47:40] 37. Ohmna feat. Nurlaila - Key Of Life (MarLo Remix) (01:55)
[49:35] 38. Arnej - They Need Us (Club Edit) (01:12)
[50:47] 39. Andy Moor & Ashley Wallbridge feat. Meighan Nealon - Faces (01:56)
[52:43] 40. Lange feat. Sarah Howells - Let It All Out (Ronski Speed Remix) (01:12)
[53:55] 41. Nitrous Oxide - Magenta (01:26)
[55:21] 42. M.I.K.E. - Sunrise at Palamos 2009 (Gareth Emery Remix) (00:29)
[55:49] 43. Lange & Andy Moor - Stadium Four (01:11)
[57:00] 44. Markus Schulz - Do You Dream (01:13)
[58:13] 45. Dash Berlin feat. Emma Hewitt - Waiting (02:02)
[60:14] 46. Cressida - Onyric (Stoneface & Terminal Remix) (01:25)
[61:40] 47. Claudia Cazacu feat. Audrey Gallagher - Freefallin (01:11)
[62:51] 48. Filo and Peri feat. Aruna - Ashley (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Remix) (01:11)
[64:02] 49. DJ Eco - Lost Angeles (Breakfast Remix) (01:24)
[65:26] 50. Dash Berlin with Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren - Man On The Run (01:39)
[67:05] 51. Bobina - Invisible Touch (Ferry Corsten's Touch) (01:25)
[68:30] 52. M6 - Opus Sectrum (01:11)
[69:41] 53. Oceanlab - I Am What I Am (Lange Remix) (01:25)
[71:05] 54. Oceanlab - Lonely Girl (Gareth Emery Remix) (01:53)
[72:58] 55. Super8 & Tab - Irufushi (00:56)
[73:55] 56. Daniel Kandi - Venice Beach (01:39)
[75:34] 57. Sied van Riel - Mme (01:25)
[76:58] 58. Gaia - Tuvan (01:53)
[78:51] 59. Fabio XB & Ronnie Play feat. Gabriel Cage - Inside Of You (Cosmic Gate Remix) (01:53)
[80:44] 60. Roger Shah & Signum - Healesville Sanctuary (Roger Shah Mix) (01:53)
[82:37] 61. Ram - RAMsterdam (Jorn van Deynhoven Remix) (02:21)
[84:58] 62. Philippe El Sisi feat. Aminda - You Never Know (Aly & Fila Remix) (01:18)
[86:16] 63. Breakfast - Remember (00:56)
[87:12] 64. Jochen Miller - Brace Yourself (00:56)
[88:09] 65. Gareth Emery - Exposure (01:11)
[89:19] 66. Tritonal feat. Soto - Piercing Quiet (01:53)
[91:12] 67. Ummet Ozcan - TimeWave Zero (00:56)
[92:09] 68. Neptune Project - Aztec (01:46)
[93:55] 69. Ilya Soloviev - Universal Universe (01:39)
[95:34] 70. Thomas Bronzwaer - Look Ahead (01:25)
[96:58] 71. Andy Blueman - Everlasting (02:35)
[99:33] 72. Heatbeat - Vergatron (01:17)
[100:51] 73. Armin Van Buuren - Face To Face (Martin Roth Remix) (01:10)
[102:01] 74. Ferry Corsten - We Belong (Tritonal Air Up There Remix) (02:06)
[104:07] 75. John O'Callaghan feat. Josie - Out Of Nowhere (Stoneface & Terminal Remix) (01:59)
[106:06] 76. tyDi feat. Audrey Gallagher - You Walk Away (01:38)
[107:44] 77. Alex M.O.R.P.H. feat. Ana Criado - Sunset Boulevard (01:52)
[109:36] 78. Sander van Doorn - Bastillon (00:56)
[110:32] 79. Paul Webster feat. Angelic Amanda - Time (Sean Tyas Dub Mix) (01:38)
[112:10] 80. Rank 1 - L.E.D. There Be Light (00:56)
[113:06] 81. W&W - Mainstage (00:56)
[114:02] 82. Vast Vision feat. Fisher - Everything (Aly & Fila Remix) (01:24)
[115:26] 83. Simon Patterson - Thump (01:10)
[116:36] 84. Sean Tyas - Melbourne (01:24)
[118:01] 85. 3rd Moon - Monsun (02:13)
[120:14] 86. Outro - The Revolution Has Only Just Begun (00:57)
[121:10] 87. A State of Trance - Outro (00:40)

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A State Of Trance episodul 436

Acesta este top 2009 A State Of Trance:

[00:00] 01. A State of Trance - Intro (00:44)

[00:44] 02. Matt Darey pres. Urban Astronauts - See The Sun (Aurosonic Remix) [#20] (07:30)
[08:14] 03. Armin van Buuren feat. Jaren - Unforgivable (Stoneface & Terminal Dub)[#19] (04:59)
[13:12] 04. Armin van Buuren feat. Jacqueline Govaert - Never Say Never (Omnia Remix)[#18] (03:20)
[16:33] 05. Cosmic Gate feat. Emma Hewitt - Not Enough Time (Club Mix) [#17] (05:41)
[22:14] 06. OceanLab - Lonely Girl (Gareth Emery Remix) [#16] (03:33)
[25:47] 07. Rex Mundi feat. Susana - Nothing At All [#15] (06:38)
[32:26] 08. Roger Shah & Signum - Healesville Sanctuary (Roger Shah Remix) [#14] (07:01)
[39:26] 09. Paul van Dyk feat. Johnny McDaid - Home (Cosmic Gate Remix) [#13] (07:02)
[46:28] 10. Nic Chagall feat. Jonathan Mendelsohn - This Moment (Prog Mix) [#12] (05:49)
[52:17] 11. OceanLab - On A Good Day (Above & Beyond Club Mix) [#11] (06:23)
[58:40] 12. BT feat. Jes - Every Other Way (Armin van Buuren Remix) [#10] (07:22)
[66:02] 13. Ashley Wallbridge & Andy Moor feat. Meighan Nealon - Faces [#09] (05:43)
[71:46] 14. RAM - RAMsterdam (Jorn van Deynhoven Remix) [#08] (05:08)
[76:54] 15. John O'Callaghan feat. Sarah Howells - Find Yourself (Cosmic Gate Remix) [#07] (05:34)
[82:28] 16. Armin van Buuren feat. VanVelzen - Broken Tonight [#06] (05:06)
[87:34] 17. Dash Berlin with Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren - Man On The Run [#05] (03:51)
[91:25] 18. Bobina - Invisible Touch (Ferry Corsten's Touch) [#04] (05:51)
[97:16] 19. Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren - Beggin' You (Armin van Buuren Remix) [#03] (07:14)
[104:30] 20. Dash Berlin feat. Emma Hewitt - Waiting [#02] (07:43)
[112:12] 21. Gaia - Tuvan [Tune Of The Year] (06:52)
[119:04] 22. A State of Trance - Outro (00:20)

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25 ianuarie 2010

A State Of Trance episodul 435

[00:00] 01. A State of Trance - Intro (00:45)
[00:45] 02. John O'Callaghan feat. Lo-Fi Sugar - Every Lesson Learned (Matt Hardwick Remix) (05:37)
[06:22] 03. Jes - Love Song (Cosmic Gate Remix - First State's Reshuffle) (06:33)
[12:54] 04. Evol Waves - Name Is The Answer [Tune Of The Week] (05:35)
[18:29] 05. Tritonal - Suede (Stoneface & Terminal Remix) (06:36)
[25:05] 06. John 00 Fleming - JAWA (Part 1) (06:44)
[31:49] 07. Black Pearl - Rise (06:58)
[38:48] 08. Daniel Wanrooy - Dream With Me (05:01)
[43:49] 09. Chapter XJ - Resurrection (Jorn van Deynhoven Remix) (07:10)
[50:59] 10. Lange pres. Firewall - Wanderlust (Sunny Lax Uplifting Mix) (07:39)
[58:37] 11. ReOrder & JayCan - Come With Me To Varanasi [Future Favorite] (05:41)
[64:18] 12. Roger Shah & Signum - Healsville Sanctuary (Signum Remix) (06:35)
[70:54] 13. Suncatcher - Lightshow (08:00)
[78:54] 14. W&W - D.N.A. (Sean Tyas Remix) (05:39)
[84:32] 15. Klauss Goulart - Stella (Sunset Remix) (06:46)
[91:19] 16. Ron van Den Beuken vs. Crossedeyes - Terminal 44 (05:01)
[96:20] 17. Ronny K pres. EOYC - Morning Light (End Of The Year Countdown Anthem) (06:18)
[102:38] 18. System F - Out Of The Blue (Giuseppe Ottaviani Remix - AvB Edit) (04:54)
[107:33] 19. Nickelson - Yin (Solid Globe Remix) [ASOT Radio Classic] (07:02)
[114:35] 20. Sunlounger feat. Zara - Lost (Club Mix) [Tune Of The Year 2008] (06:55)
[121:30] 21. A State of Trance - Outro (00:39)

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A State Of Trance episodul 434

[00:00] 01. A State of Trance – Intro (00:45)
[00:45] 02. John O’Callaghan feat. Lo-Fi Sugar – Every Lesson Learned (Matt Hardwick Remix) (05:37)
[06:22] 03. Jes – Love Song (Cosmic Gate Remix – First State’s Reshuffle) (06:33)
[12:54] 04. Evol Waves – Name Is The Answer [Tune Of The Week] (05:35)
[18:29] 05. Tritonal – Suede (Stoneface & Terminal Remix) (06:36)
[25:05] 06. John 00 Fleming – JAWA (Part 1) (06:44)
[31:49] 07. Black Pearl – Rise (06:58)
[38:48] 08. Daniel Wanrooy – Dream With Me (05:01)
[43:49] 09. Chapter XJ – Resurrection (Jorn van Deynhoven Remix) (07:10)
[50:59] 10. Lange pres. Firewall – Wanderlust (Sunny Lax Uplifting Mix) (07:39)
[58:37] 11. ReOrder & JayCan – Come With Me To Varanasi [Future Favorite] (05:41)
[64:18] 12. Roger Shah & Signum – Healsville Sanctuary (Signum Remix) (06:35)
[70:54] 13. Suncatcher – Lightshow (08:00)
[78:54] 14. W&W – D.N.A. (Sean Tyas Remix) (05:39)
[84:32] 15. Klauss Goulart – Stella (Sunset Remix) (06:46)
[91:19] 16. Ron van Den Beuken vs. Crossedeyes – Terminal 44 (05:01)
[96:20] 17. Ronny K pres. EOYC – Morning Light (End Of The Year Countdown Anthem) (06:18)
[102:38] 18. System F – Out Of The Blue (Giuseppe Ottaviani Remix – AvB Edit) (04:54)
[107:33] 19. Nickelson – Yin (Solid Globe Remix) [ASOT Radio Classic] (07:02)
[114:35] 20. Sunlounger feat. Zara – Lost (Club Mix) [Tune Of The Year 2008] (06:55)
[121:30] 21. A State of Trance – Outro (00:39)


14 ianuarie 2010

Atunci cand trance-ul se imbina cu placerea pentru MMPORG

Am gasit pe Youtube un clip foarte bine realizat cu scene din jocuri de tip mmporg ce are pe fundal piesa cu titlul "Canda" a celor de la Brooklyn Bounce. Imaginile se contopesc ideal cu ritmurile piesei, scenele fiind foarte bine alese. Asa ca daca iti plac jocurile MMPORG si muzica trance, trebuie sa vezi acest clip: