27 decembrie 2009

Faithless - dovada ca si muzica dance se poate canta live

Faithless este una dintre formatiile care pot sustine un concert live de muzica dance / drum and bass de calitate. De la voce la instrumente, totul este "pe viu", iar publicul vibreaza o data cu muzica. Atmosfera creata este incendiara, beaturile strapung trupul, mintea si sufletul, nivelul adrenalinei creste iar miscarile corpului devin incontrolabile. Un concert Faithless poate oricand rivaliza cu unul al marilor artisti de muzica rock. Orice ocazie de a merge la un concert Faithless, NU SE RATEAZA! Mai jos puteti urmari 3 clipuri video din cadrul unor concerte Faithless cu 2 piese de referinta : "Insomnia" si "God is a DJ".

19 decembrie 2009

Remember Darude? Full Energy!

Cand spui Darude te gandesti la piese foarte ritmate, cu un BPM ridicat. Piesele lui Darude sunt pline de "energie muzicala". Cati dintre voi nu au auzit de "Sandstorm" sau "Feel the beat". Astazi va supun atentiei alte 2 piese forte ale artistului finlandez : "Next to you" si "Tell me"

Darude - Next to you

Darude - Tell me

15 decembrie 2009

ATB pres. Flanders - Behind

Piesa "Behind" este ultimul single semnat ATB. Acest single este extras de pe albumul "Future Memories".
Piesa originala apartine celor de la Flanders, ATB realizand un remix dupa aceasta. Flanders este un grup italian de muzica Alternativ/Electronica. Acestia au compus piesa "Behind" in colaborare cu producatorul Vincenzo Callea.

Piesa impresioneaza atat prin instrumentalul creat de ATB dar mai ales prin voce, Giuliana Fraglica, apartinand grupului Flanders din care mai fac parte Francesco Abbate si Alessandro Bunetto (DJs) si Marco Giudice (Bass).
Nici videoclipul nu este mai prejos. Acesta este filmat in Paris, personaje principale fiind Andre Tanneberger (ATB) si o tipa foarte draguta, al carui nume sincer nu il stiu, dar daca cineva il stie il rog sa posteze in comentarii.
Pot spune ca succesul apartine in egala masura atat lui ATB cat si celor de la Flanders, pentru ca au oferit "materie premium" de remixat :).

Acesta este videoclipul, in format HD :


Saturday morning the sun is high so I can underline
all of my hopes to get out from my tears
so I, I can brighten

will be sunshine in me
I'm living a life inside a broken life
will be sunshine in me
I'm living a life inside a blinding life

everyday morning I can play with the sun but I see you again
I wanna forget all your lies so I can go ahead, so I am

I can't stand off it
I'm turning around the same thoughts behind
I can't stand off it
I'm turning around the same thoughts behind

Saturday morning the sun is high so I can underline
all of my hopes to get out from my tears
so I, I can brighten

will be sunshine in me
I'm living a life inside a broken life
will be sunshine in me
I'm living a life inside a blinding life

I can't stand off it
I'm turning around the same thoughts behind
I can't stand off it
I'm turning around the same thoughts behind

everyday morning I can play with the sun but I see you again
I wanna forget all your lies so I can go ahead, so I am

I can't stand off it
I'm turning around the same thoughts behind
I can't stand off it
I'm turning around the same thoughts behind

12 decembrie 2009

Above & Beyond cucereste spatiul

Cei de la Above & Beyond au realizat soundtrack-ul pentru proiectul celor de la Virgin Galactic. Cei de la Virgin Galactic au inceput de ceva ani cercetarile pentru realizarea unei nave spatiale comerciale cu care sa poata face "turism spatial" . Acestia vor sa trimita in spatiu civili care dispun de ceva fonduri financiare (o calatorie ar costa in jur de 200.000 $). Au construit pana acum 2 navete: SpaceShipOne si SapceShipTwo . Reprezentatii Virgin Galactic sunt de parere ca incepand cu anul 2011 SpaceShipTwo va putea efectua curse comerciale in spatiu . Mai multe detalii puteti afla pe www.virgingalactic.com
Cei de la Above & Beyond au creat piesa "Buzz" care va fi "imnul" proiectului Virgin Galactic SpaceShipTwo . Auditie placuta!

Una dintre cele mai bune piese de la radio

O piesa care este difuzata destul de des in aceasta perioada de sfarsit de an la radio este Tiesto feat Sneaky Sound System - I will be here (Wolfgang Gartner remix) . Piesa foarte reusita, cu bituri deosebite . Cand am ascultat-o prima oara nu stiam nici cui ii apartine piesa nici cum se numeste, iar la refren intelegeam "I will be sure" in loc de "I will be here" :) . Oricum tipa care canta pronunta intr-un fel mai deosebit pe "here". Am ascultat si originalul acestei piese, am vazut si videoclipul, insa acest remix mi se pare mai reusit. Asadar piesa de nota 10, ramane doar sa ai un sistem audio puternic sa o asculti .

Tiesto feat Sneaky Sound System - I will be here (Tiesto Wolfgang Gartner remix)
Asculta mai multe audio Muzica

A State Of Trance episodul 434

[00:00] 01. A State of Trance - Intro (00:44)
[00:44] 02. Roger Shah & Ralph Fritsch pres. Black Pearl - Rise (07:28)
[08:12] 03. Marcus Schossow & Reeves feat. Emma Hewitt - Light (Mike Shiver's Garden State Remix) (05:03)
[13:15] 04. Trilucid - Departures (Skytech Remix) (06:23)
[19:37] 05. Ad Brown - Vapourized (05:18)
[24:55] 06. tyDi - Good Dream (Barnes & Heatcliff Remix) (07:00)
[31:54] 07. Cressida - Two-O-Ten (03:53)
[35:47] 08. Push - Global Age (06:12)
[42:00] 09. Tritonal - Suede (Stoneface & Terminal Remix) [Tune Of The Week] (06:45)
[48:44] 10. Feel feat. Volmix - Dance For Life (Ronski Speed Remix) (06:19)
[55:04] 11. Lange pres. Firewall - Wanderlust (05:13)
[60:17] 12. Robert Nickson - Maybe Next Time (DJ Eco Remix) (05:38)
[65:55] 13. Setrise - Kumba (05:39)
[71:33] 14. ReOrder & JayCan - Come With Me To Varanasi (05:36)
[77:10] 15. Heatbeat - Hadoken (06:46)
[83:56] 16. Fast Distance & Dimension - Above The Clouds (06:46)
[90:42] 17. Dash Berlin & RAM - Man On The Run To RAMsterdam (Johnvas Mashup) (06:18)
[97:01] 18. Paul Trainer - Deal With It (04:54)
[101:55] 19. Orjan Nilsen - Arctic Globe (W&W Remix) (04:54)
[106:50] 20. John O'Callaghan vs. Aly & Fila - Megalithic (AJ Hutch Remix) (07:09)
[113:58] 21. Push - Till We Meet Again [ASOT Radio Classic] (06:20)
[120:18] 22. A State of Trance - Outro (00:38)

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A State Of Trance episodul 433

[00:00] 01. A State of Trance - Intro (00:45)
[00:45] 02. Tocadisco feat. Nadia Ali - Better Run (Wippenberg Remix) (05:54)
[06:39] 03. Kay D Smith & Marc Tall - Hoipolloi (Wippenberg Remix) (01:08)
[07:48] 04. Sindre Eide feat. Cat Martin - Give It Up (Evangelos Remix) (04:31)
[12:19] 05. Mark Pledger & Melinda Gareh - Time Stands Still (Andy Duguid Remix) (05:10)
[17:29] 06. Paul Keeley - Cloud 9 (05:40)
[23:09] 07. Cressida - Two-O-Ten [Tune of The Week] (03:56)
[27:05] 08. Marko Kantola - Black City (06:35)
[33:40] 09. Trilucid - Departures (06:07)
[39:47] 10. Espen Gulbrandsen vs. DJ Julian Vincent feat. Maria Nayler - Perfect Sky (Max Graham Remix) (04:47)
[44:34] 11. Mat Zo - Default (06:21)
[50:55] 12. Marcel Woods - Everything (Dub Mix) (04:31)
[55:25] 13. Mike Shiver vs. Matias Lehtola - Nana (06:05)
[61:31] 14. Arctic Moon - Afterworld (Dimension Remix) [Future Favorite] (04:23)
[65:54] 15. Peter Martijn Wijnia - Fortissimo (04:37)
[70:31] 16. Anhken & Adrian - Intuition (Sunny Lax Remix) (07:07)
[77:38] 17. Feel feat. Volmix - Dance 4 Life (Ronski Speed Remix) (05:34)
[83:12] 18. A.M.R. - Elevation (Fast Distance Remix) (06:07)
[89:19] 19. Filo & Peri with Eric Lumiere - Soul & The Sun (Giuseppe Ottaviani Remix) (05:25)
[94:44] 20. Alex M.O.R.P.H. feat. Michael - Wanna Be (Almar Club Mix) (05:38)
[100:22] 21. Fast Distance vs. Dimension - Above The Clouds (06:36)
[106:58] 22. Ali Wilson - Boombox (07:04)
[114:01] 23. Adam White - Ballerina [ASOT Radio Classic] (05:27)
[119:28] 24. A State of Trance - Outro (00:41)

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A State Of Trance episodul 432

[00:00] 01. A State of Trance - Intro (00:45)
[00:44] 02. Reeves - Call Of Loneliness (Andy Duguid Club Mix) (06:06)
[06:51] 03. Filo & Peri feat. Eric Lumiere - Soul & The Sun (Jerome Isma-Ae Remix) (06:04)
[12:55] 04. Oryon - V2 (07:16)
[20:11] 05. Shogun - Connected (04:49)
[25:00] 06. Marcus Schossow & Reeves feat. Emma Hewitt - Lights (Mike Shiver's Garden State Mix) (05:01)
[30:00] 07. Midway - What If [Future Favorite] (06:35)
[36:35] 08. Robert Nickson - Maybe Next Time (Avenger Remix) (06:37)
[43:12] 09. Arctic Moon - Afterworld (Dimension Remix) (04:39)
[47:51] 10. Simmons & Blanc - Something About You (06:55)
[54:46] 11. Anhken & Adrian - Intuition (Sunny Lax Remix) (07:03)
[61:50] 12. Chapter XJ - Resurrection (Jorn van Deynhoven Remix) [Tune Of The Week] (07:04)
[68:53] 13. Corderoy - Rock Guitar (Arctic Moon Remix) (04:42)
[73:35] 14. Matt Hardwick vs. Gulf - Impossible (John O'Callaghan Remix) (05:29)
[79:05] 15. Will Holland feat. Line Froyset - Things That Happen (Temple One Remix) (07:57)
[87:01] 16. RST & Patrick Devere - Crystal Rain (Ronski Speed's Positive Ways Mix) (05:50)
[92:52] 17. Hiroyuki Oda - Yozora (06:05)
[98:56] 18. Jonas Hornblad & C-Systems - Still Remember (Vocal mix) (05:43)
[104:39] 19. A.M.R. - Elevation (Jonas Hornblad Remix) (04:40)
[109:20] 20. W&W - D.N.A. (04:54)
[114:14] 21. Laura Turner - Soul Deep (Signum Dub) [ASOT Radio Classic] (06:44)
[120:57] 22. A State of Trance - Outro (00:39)

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A State Of Trance episodul 431

[00:00] 01. A State Of Trance - Intro (00:44)
[00:44] 02. Snow Patrol - Just Say Yes (Riley & Durrant Remix) (05:08)
[05:52] 03. Julian Vincent feat. Cathy Burton - Here For Me (Mark Otten Re-Dub) (05:08)
[11:00] 04. Chantola - More Senses (Basil O'Glue Remix) (05:49)
[16:49] 05. Venaccio - Twilight (06:18)
[23:07] 06. Sunset - Beautiful Life (Dmitry Bessonov Remix) (05:49)
[28:56] 07. Ashley Wallbridge - Harmonies (05:57)
[34:52] 08. Shogun - Connected (04:34)
[39:27] 09. Ali Wilson - Boombox (05:58)
[45:25] 10. Midway - What If [Tune Of The Week] (07:35)
[53:00] 11. Above & Beyond - Anjunabeach (Nitrous Oxide Remix) (05:11)
[58:10] 12. Avenger - Synth Reality (05:11)
[63:21] 13. Chapter XJ - Ressurrection (Jorn van Deynhoven Remix) (07:00)
[70:21] 14. Will Holland feat. Line Froyset - Things That Happen (Temple One Remix) (07:56)
[78:18] 15. Dash Berlin feat. Emma Hewitt - Waiting (Sean Tyas Dub) (03:37)
[81:55] 16. Mark Burton - The Fifth Element (05:36)
[87:31] 17. Beat Service - Back Of Beyond (06:06)
[93:37] 18. W&W - D.N.A. (04:26)
[98:03] 19. Kay D Smith & Marc Tall - Hoipolloi (Mark Sherry's Trance Energy Remix) (06:06)
[104:10] 20. Sneijder - The Phuture (02:48)
[106:58] 21. Filo & Peri with Mike Saint-Jules - Far From Reach (05:22)
[112:20] 22. First & Andre - Widescreen (Sensation White Belgium 2005 Anthem) [ASOT Radio Classic] (07:00)
[119:20] 23. A State Of Trance - Outro (00:38)

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A State Of Trance episodul 430

[00:00] 01. A State of Trance - Intro (00:44)
[00:44] 02. Boom Jinx & Andrew Bayer - To The Six (07:39)
[08:22] 03. Imogen Heap - Canvas (Mark Eteson Re-Paint) (06:52)
[15:14] 04. FuManChu - The Orange Theme (Vegas Baby Remix) (04:22)
[19:37] 05. Med vs. Neil Bamford - Stolen (Danilo Ercole Remix) (05:47)
[25:24] 06. Plastic Boy - Chocolate Infusion (06:13)
[31:36] 07. Breakfast - Air Guitar (DJ Eco Remix) (07:07)
[38:43] 08. Mike Koglin & P.O.S. - Autumn (04:16)
[42:59] 09. Faruk Sabanci & Aeden - Istanbul (04:26)
[47:25] 10. Jochen Miller - Red One (03:55)
[51:20] 11. Filo & Peri with Nick Stufano - The Majestic (03:59)
[55:19] 12. Julian Vincent feat. Cathy Burton - Here For Me (Robert Nickson Remix) [Tune Of The Week] (04:32)
[59:52] 13. Hydro Aquatic - Moon River (06:32)
[66:24] 14. Corderoy - Rock Guitar (Arctic Moon Remix) (06:04)
[72:28] 15. Jo Micali - Shine On (C-Systems Remix) (05:22)
[77:51] 16. Robbie Nelson - Aviator (07:56)
[85:47] 17. Matt Hardwick vs. Gulf - Impossible (John O'Callaghan Remix) (05:15)
[91:03] 18. Dash Berlin feat. Emma Hewitt - Waiting (Sean Tyas Dub) (06:11)
[97:14] 19. Armin van Buuren feat. VanVelzen - Broken Tonight (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Remix) [Future Favorite] (06:46)
[104:00] 20. John O'Callaghan - Broken (Bryan Kearney Remix) (06:32)
[110:33] 21. Franz Hlusek & Jorge Nava - Cosmic Dreamer (Fast Distance Remix) (05:39)
[116:12] 22. DJ Tiësto - Theme From Norefjell (Magikal Remake) [ASOT Radio Classic] (04:30)
[120:42] 23. A State of Trance - Outro (00:39)

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A State Of Trance episodul 429

[00:00] 01. A State Of Trance - Intro (00:43)

[00:43] 02. Imogen Heap - Canvas (Mark Eteson Re-Paint) (07:02)

[07:45] 03. Dash Berlin feat. Emma Hewitt - Waiting (First State Remix) (07:02)

[14:46] 04. Matt Darey pres. Urban Astronauts - See The Sun (Aurosonic Remix) [Future Favorite] (06:32)

[21:19] 05. Kyau & Albert - I Love You (Cosmic Gate Remix) (06:48)

[28:07] 06. Binary Finary - 2009 (Vegas Baby Remix) (04:58)

[33:05] 07. Jochen Miller - Red One (04:56)

[38:01] 08. Plastic Boy - Chocolate Infusion [Tune Of The Week] (07:10)

[45:10] 09. Marco V - When The Night Falls (06:06)

[51:16] 10. Tritonal feat. Cristina Soto - Kiss Me Here (06:23)

[57:40] 11. Solis - Afterglow (06:52)

[64:32] 12. Temple One - Sahara Nights (05:41)

[70:13] 13. Sophie Sugar - Together (04:14)

[74:27] 14. Franz Hlusek & Jorge Nava - Cosmic Dreamer (Fast Distance Mix) (06:14)

[80:41] 15. Robert Nickson - Maybe Next Time (04:42)

[85:24] 16. Talla 2XLC feat. Skysurfer - Terra Australis (Jorn van Deynhoven Remix) (06:04)

[91:28] 17. John O'Callaghan feat. Beverly O'Sullivan - Don't Look Back (01:52)

[93:20] 18. Armin van Buuren feat. VanVelzen - Broken Tonight (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Remix) (07:26)

[100:46] 19. Med vs. Neil Bamford - Light Up (06:16)

[107:02] 20. Be:Gold - Sunstroke (04:45)

[111:47] 21. Solid Globe - Sahara [ASOT Radio Classic] (06:59)

[118:47] 22. A State Of Trance - Outro (00:39)

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A State Of Trance episodul 428

1st Hour - Regular Episode "The Newest Tunes Selected"

[00:00] 01. A State Of Trance - Intro (00:46)
[00:45] 02. Armin van Buuren feat. VanVelzen - Broken Tonight (Intro Mix) (05:58)
[06:44] 03. Calvin Harris - Flashback (Eric Prydz Remix) (05:37)
[12:20] 04. Matt Darey pres. Urban Astronauts - See The Sun (Aurosonic Remix) (06:04)
[18:24] 05. Dash Berlin feat. Emma Hewitt - Waiting (Dash Berlin 4AM Mix) (06:33)
[24:57] 06. Paul Webster feat. Angelic Amanda - Time (Sean Tyas Dub) [Future Favorite] (06:38)
[31:35] 07. Jo Micali - Shine On (C-Systems Remix) [Tune Of The Week] (05:27)
[37:02] 08. Temple One - Sahara Nights (05:13)
[42:15] 09. Masoud feat. Josie - Leave It All Behind (Jorn van Deynhoven Remix) (06:24)
[48:39] 10. Thoneik, Diaz & Young Rebells feat. Cozi - Perfect Moment (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Instrumental) (06:10)
[54:49] 11. Above & Beyond pres. Tranquility Base - Surrender [ASOT Radio Classic] (06:46)

2nd Hour - Recorded LIVE at Hala Tivoli in Ljubljana, Slovenia (23-10-2009)

[61:35] 12. BT feat. Jes - Every Other Way (Armin van Buuren Remix) (07:49)
[69:24] 13. Nic Chagall feat. Jonathan Mendelsohn - This Moment (Prog Mix) (06:50)
[76:14] 14. Paul van Dyk feat. Johnny McDaid - Home (Cosmic Gate Remix) (06:58)
[83:11] 15. Wippenberg - Pong (06:06)
[89:17] 16. OceanLab vs. Gareth Emery - On A Metropolis Day (Myon & Shane 54 Remix) (05:56)
[95:14] 17. Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren - Beggin' You (Armin van Buuren Remix) (06:32)
[101:45] 18. Arnej - They Need Us (Club Edit) (04:40)
[106:25] 19. Dakota - Koolhaus (03:09)
[109:35] 20. Temple One pres. Tu Casa - Betelguese (Barnes & Heatcliff Remix) (05:48)
[115:23] 21. Armin van Buuren feat. Jacqueline Govaert vs. Ali Wilson - Never Say Shakedown (Armin van Buuren Mashup) (04:17)
[119:40] 22. Gaia - Tuvan (05:46)
[125:25] 23. Super8 & Tab - Irufushi (04:18)
[129:43] 24. A State Of Trance - Outro (00:40)

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A State Of Trance episodul 427

[00:00] 01. A State Of Trance - Intro (00:46)
[00:45] 02. Deadmau5 - Strobe (07:30)
[08:16] 03. Alpha 9 - Bliss (04:42)
[12:58] 04. Kyau & Albert - I Love You (04:31)
[17:29] 05. Filo & Peri feat. Aruna - Ashley (First State Remix) (07:56)
[25:25] 06. Ben Preston feat. Susie - Why We Run (05:20)
[30:45] 07. Wippenberg - Pong (05:20)
[36:05] 08. Daniel Heatcliff - Phoenix (03:53)
[39:58] 09. Jonathan Martin - Insidious (06:26)
[46:23] 10. Super8 & Tab - Irufushi (05:20)
[51:43] 11. Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren - Beggin' You (Armin van Buuren Remix) [Future Favorite] (07:27)
[59:11] 12. Arnej - They Need Us (04:24)
[63:34] 13. M6 - ID (04:20)
[67:54] 14. Dash Berlin feat. Sarah Howells - Waiting (Dash Berlin 4AM Remix) (06:34)
[74:28] 15. Ferry Corsten feat. Maria Nayler - We Belong (Lange Remix) (06:21)
[80:49] 16. Trance Arts - Stratosphere (Dan Stone Remix) (05:53)
[86:42] 17. Josh Gabriel pres. Winter Kills - Deep Down (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Remix) (05:53)
[92:35] 18. Paul Webster feat. Aminda - Time (Sean Tyas Dub) [Tune Of The Week] (06:35)
[99:10] 19. Vast Vision - Luminosity (06:35)
[105:45] 20. Adam Foley - Castaway (06:21)
[112:07] 21. Alibi - Eternity (Rising Star Remix) [ASOT Radio Classic] (07:55)
[120:01] 22. A State Of Trance - Outro (00:39)

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A State Of Trance episodul 426

[00:00] 01. A State Of Trance - Intro (00:45)
[00:44] 02. Arty - Gentle Touch (05:37)
[06:21] 03. Arnej - They Need Us [Tune Of The Week] (05:15)
[11:37] 04. Wippenberg - Pong (05:52)
[17:28] 05. Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren - Beggin' You (Armin van Buuren Remix) (08:29)
[25:57] 06. Above & Beyond - Anjunabeach (06:30)
[32:27] 07. Lolo - Pop The Cat's Adventure (07:35)
[40:02] 08. Sindre Eide - Piovere (04:18)
[44:19] 09. Daniel Kandi - Venice Beach (05:15)
[49:35] 10. Whiteroom - The Whiteroom (Myon & Shane 54 Refill) (05:25)
[54:59] 11. Ronski Speed - Something Happened On The Way To Heaven (7Skies Remix) (06:07)
[61:07] 12. Faithless - You're The Sun To Me (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Remix) (05:11)
[66:17] 13. Activa feat. Cat Martin - They Never Change (05:03)
[71:21] 14. Filo & Peri feat. Aruna - Ashley (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Remix) (06:11)
[77:32] 15. Bobina - Honestly (Ilya Soloviev Dub) (05:09)
[82:40] 16. Rafael Frost - Black Box (Red Edit) (04:47)
[87:28] 17. Ferry Corsten - Shelter Me (Rafael Frost Remix) (05:20)
[92:48] 18. Sophie Sugar - Together (03:59)
[96:46] 19. Activa & Giuseppe Ottaviani - Long Way Back (Original Mix) (04:26)
[101:13] 20. Activa feat. Gary Maguire - Terminal 5 (03:58)
[105:11] 21. Deep Care - Blacks (Daniel Kandi Lifted Remix) (05:10)
[110:21] 22. Push - The Legacy [ASOT Radio Classic] (07:42)
[118:03] 23. A State Of Trance - Outro (00:39)

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A State Of Trance episodul 425

[00:00] 01. A State Of Trance - Intro (00:44)
[00:44] 02. Dash Berlin feat. Emma Hewitt - Waiting (06:30)
[07:14] 03. Novastar - Because (Ferry Corsten Remix) (06:33)
[13:47] 04. BT feat. Jes - Every Other Way (Armin van Buuren Remix) (06:44)
[20:31] 05. Cosmic Gate feat. Aruna - Under Your Spell (Myon & Shane 54 Monster Mix) (04:49)
[25:20] 06. Above & Beyond - Anjunabeach (Jerome Isma-Ae Remix) (05:18)
[30:37] 07. DJ Eco pres Badlands feat. Marcie - Garden State (Jorge Nava Dub Mix) (06:44)
[37:21] 08. Super8 & Tab - Irufushi (04:47)
[42:08] 09. Giuseppe Ottaviani feat. Faith - Fallen (05:31)
[47:39] 10. Adam Nickey - In Motion (Andy Blueman Remix) (06:16)
[53:55] 11. Ferry Tayle & Static Blue - Trapeze (06:56)
[60:51] 12. John O'Callaghan feat. Josie - Out Of Nowhere (Stoneface & Terminal Remix) (05:22)
[66:14] 13. Steve Birch feat. Within Temptation - The Temptation Within (05:50)
[72:04] 14. Rapha & Reminder - Beyond The Clouds (Daniel Kandi's 147 Club Mix) (05:44)
[77:47] 15. Sly One vs. Jurrane - Silicone Stars (04:19)
[82:07] 16. Deep Care - Blacks (Daniel Kandi's Lifted Remix) [Tune Of The Week] (06:06)
[88:13] 17. Filo & Peri feat. Aruna - Ashley (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Remix) (06:40)
[94:52] 18. Ernesto vs. Bastian - Killer Tone (05:54)
[100:46] 19. Adam Foley - 8AM (07:00)
[107:46] 20. Solarstone - The Last Defeat (06:08)
[113:54] 21. Sander van Doorn - 90 (04:14)
[118:08] 22. Agnelli & Nelson - El Nino [ASOT Radio Classic] (06:18)
[124:27] 23. A State Of Trance - Outro (00:39)

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A State Of Trance episodul 424

[00:00] 01. A State of Trance - Intro (00:43)
[00:43] 02. DJ Eco feat. Simon Latham - What Do You See (Ashley Wallbridge Remix) (05:55)
[06:38] 03. Cosmic Gate feat. Aruna - Under Your Spell (Duderstadt Remix) (05:17)
[11:55] 04. Terracotta Army - Stealing Souls (Lens Flare Remix) (05:45)
[17:39] 05. Roger Shah & Tenishia feat. Lorilee - I'm Not God (Tenishia Remix) (05:00)
[22:40] 06. Xspective Sense & Beat Service - Feel Our Heaven (Xtigma Remix) (05:42)
[28:22] 07. John Askew - Beirut (Thomas Datt Remix) (05:27)
[33:49] 08. Jonathan Martin - Insidious (05:47)
[39:35] 09. Delerium - Send Me An Angel (Andy Moor Remix) (05:38)
[45:14] 10. Adam White & Andy Moore pres. Whiteroom - The Whiteroom (Mÿon & Shane 54 Refill) (06:35)
[51:49] 11. Ilya Soloviev & Poshout - Leaving Planet (07:04)
[58:52] 12. Giuseppe Ottaviani feat. Francesco M. - Changing Ways (05:35)
[64:27] 13. John O'Callaghan feat. Josie - Out of Nowhere (Stoneface & Terminal Remix) (06:26)
[70:52] 14. Fabio Stein pres. Uprise - Breakthru (05:30)
[76:22] 15. John O'Callaghan feat. Sarah Howells - Find Yourself (Heatbeat Remix) (John O'Callaghan Rework) (05:29)
[81:51] 16. Paul Webster feat. Amanda - Time (Sean Tyas Dub) (05:56)
[87:47] 17. Mannix - Back Down (05:55)
[93:43] 18. Talla 2XLC vs. Robert Burian - Deja Vu (Giuseppe Ottaviani Remix) (04:50)
[98:32] 19. Paul Trainer - Deal With It (04:32)
[103:05] 20. Tom Colontonio - Lifetime Connection (John O'Callaghan Remix) (05:13)
[108:17] 21. Sean Tyas - Tingle (05:39)
[113:57] 22. John O'Callaghan - Don't Look Back (John Askew Remix) (05:12)
[119:08] 23. A State of Trance - Outro (00:38)

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A State Of Trance episodul 423

[00:00] 01. A State of Trance - Intro (00:45)
[00:44] 02. Reeves - Call Of Loneliness (Andy Duguid Club Mix) (06:06)
[06:51] 03. Filo and Peri feat. Eric Lumiere - Soul and The Sun (Jerome Isma-Ae Remix) (06:04)
[12:55] 04. Oryon - V2 (07:16)
[20:11] 05. Shogun - Connected (04:49)
[25:00] 06. Marcus Schossow and Reeves feat. Emma Hewitt - Lights (Mike Shiver's Garden State Mix) (05:01)
[30:00] 07. Midway - What If [Future Favorite] (06:35)
[36:35] 08. Robert Nickson - Maybe Next Time (Avenger Remix) (06:37)
[43:12] 09. Arctic Moon - Afterworld (Dimension Remix) (04:39)
[47:51] 10. Simmons and Blanc - Something About You (06:55)
[54:46] 11. Anhken and Adrian - Intuition (Sunny Lax Remix) (07:03)
[61:50] 12. Chapter XJ - Resurrection (Jorn van Deynhoven Remix) [Tune Of The Week] (07:04)
[68:53] 13. Corderoy - Rock Guitar (Arctic Moon Remix) (04:42)
[73:35] 14. Matt Hardwick vs. Gulf - Impossible (John O'Callaghan Remix) (05:29)
[79:05] 15. Will Holland feat. Line Froyset - Things That Happen (Temple One Remix) (07:57)
[87:01] 16. RST and Patrick Devere - Crystal Rain (Ronski Speed's Positive Ways Mix) (05:50)
[92:52] 17. Hiroyuki Oda - Yozora (06:05)
[98:56] 18. Jonas Hornblad and C-Systems - Still Remember (Vocal mix) (05:43)
[104:39] 19. A.M.R. - Elevation (Jonas Hornblad Remix) (04:40)
[109:20] 20. WandW - D.N.A. (04:54)
[114:14] 21. Laura Turner - Soul Deep (Signum Dub) [ASOT Radio Classic] (06:44)
[120:57] 22. A State of Trance - Outro (00:39)

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A State Of Trance episodul 422

[00:00] 01. A State Of Trance - Intro (00:44)
[00:44] 02. BT feat. Jes - Every Other Way (Armin van Buuren Remix) (07:29)
[08:13] 03. First State feat. Sarah Howells - Brave [Future Favorite] (07:04)
[15:17] 04. Julian Vincent feat. Cathy Burton - Here For Me (Mark Otten Re-Dub) (05:49)
[21:06] 05. Ridgewalkers feat. El - Find (Andy Moor Remix) (05:35)
[26:40] 06. Espen Gulbrandsen vs. DJ Julian Vincent feat. Maria Nayler - Perfect Sky (06:04)
[32:44] 07. David West - Welsh Morphology (04:49)
[37:33] 08. Tilt - The World Doesn't Know (03:51)
[41:24] 09. Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren - Beggin' You (Armin van Buuren Remix) (07:28)
[48:51] 10. Probspot - Foreplay (07:56)
[56:48] 11. Daniel Kandi - Venice Beach [Tune Of The Week] (05:44)
[62:32] 12. Lange feat. Sarah Howells - Let It All Out (Ronski Speed Remix) (06:12)
[68:44] 13. M.I.K.E. - Turn Out The Lights (07:57)
[76:40] 14. Robert Nickson - Maybe Till Next Time (05:55)
[82:36] 15. Carlo Resoort - Blinded (04:16)
[86:52] 16. Chris Metcafle - First Encounter (05:39)
[92:30] 17. Midway - Amazon (05:50)
[98:21] 18. Scarab - Vagabond (06:08)
[104:29] 19. Ian Betts - False Gods (03:02)
[107:31] 20. Paul Webster feat. Amanda - Time (Sean Tyas Dub) (06:32)
[114:03] 21. The Doppler Effect - Beauty Hides In The Deep (John O'Callaghan Remix) (05:29)
[119:33] 22. A State Of Trance - Outro (00:39)

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